Board of Commissioners to hold Public Hearing Thursday to hear rezoning requests for 1,200+ homes


The Dawson County Board of Commissioners will hold a Public Hearing and hear the following rezoning requests on Thursday, December 17th immediately following their 4:00pm Work Session:

ZA 20-08: Applicant, Fox Creek Properties, LLC, is requesting to rezone 112-019, 112-109, 104-065- 112-018, 113-057-002, 112-013 from RA (Residential Agriculture), C-PCD (Commercial Planned Community), RPC (Residential Planned Community), CHB (Commercial Highway Business) and COI (Commercial Office Institutional) to MUV (Mixed Use Village) for light industrial, commercial, retail, 125 key hotel, 288 apartments and 941 single family homes. (Application: ZA 20-08)

ZA 20-18: Applicant, The Pacific Group, LLC, is requesting to rezone TMP 106-053 and 106-052 from RS (Residential Suburban) to RS3 (Residential Suburban 3) for the purpose of developing a 183 residential lot subdivision. (Application: ZA 20-18)

ZA 20-20:  Applicant, Piedmont Residential, LLC, is requesting to rezone TMP 114-033-005 from RA (Residential Agriculture) to RMF (Residential Multi-Family) for the purpose of developing a 145 semi-detached residential lot subdivision. (Application: ZA 20-20)

Board of Commissioners meetings are held at: The Dawson County Government Center, Assembly Room 2303 located at 25 Justice Way, Dawsonville, Georgia immediately following their 4:00pm Work Session.
