1,400 new homes proposed for Dawson County

 288 Apartments and 1,124 single family homes are proposed in two rezoning requests scheduled to go before the Planning Commission on October 20th at 6:00pm. Public Hearings take place at 25 Justice Way in the 2nd floor Assembly Room.

1.  ZA 20-08 was submitted by Fox Creek Properties. They seek to rezone 520 acres at GA 400 and Lumpkin Campground Rd to Mixed Use Village. The applicant does not own the property and does not plan to do the build-out. If the zone change is approved, Fox Creek Properties plans to purchase the property and market the various pods to builders such as Lennar, as mentioned during the August Planning Commission meeting. 

This is the site of the previously proposed Etowah Village.

The project is slated for 288 apartments, 941 single family homes, a 28 acre space for future light industrial or medical offices, 55,800 square feet of retail/service/restaurant space, 125 room hotel and a 4 acre parcel set aside for the county to build a fire station. 

You can view the rezoning application and Planning Department's staff review here (it starts on page114).

2. (ZA 20-18) was submitted by The Pacific Group. They seek to rezone 71 acres to Suburban Residential-3 (3 homes/acre) for 141 single family homes. Suburban R-3 is a new district approved by the Board of Commissioners in 2019. However, it hasn't been added to the Future Land Use Map.

The same group is currently developing the adjacent 98 acre property with 117 townhomes and 105 single family homes. That project is called The Woods.

You can view the current rezoning application here. The concept plan is below:
