The Planning Commission tabled two rezoning requests, ZA 20-08 and ZA 20-18, during their meeting yesterday. Both of those requests will be heard on November 17th along with three new rezoning requests: ZA 20-19, ZA 20-21 and ZA 20-22.
New Requests:
ZA 20-19: Applicant, Fall Leaf Residential, LLC, is requesting to rezone TMP 085-016 from RSR (Residential Sub-Rural) to RS3 (Residential Suburban 3) for the purpose of developing a 141 residential lot subdivision.*
ZA 20-21: Applicant, George Butler, is requesting to rezone TMP 097-099 from RA (Residential Agriculture) to RS2 (Residential Suburban 2) for the purpose of developing a 194 residential lot subdivision.*
ZA 20-22: Applicant, Piedmont Residential, LLC, is requesting to rezone TMP 114-033-005 from RA (Residential Agriculture) to RMF (Residential Multi-Family) for the purpose of developing a 145 semi-detached residential lot subdivision.*
*I will link these applications as soon as they become available.
Tabled Requests:
Planning Commission meetings are held at: The Dawson County Government Center, Assembly Room 2303 located at 25 Justice Way, Dawsonville, Georgia at 6:00 p.m.
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